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The React JS library has grown in popularity over the years. Based on MVC architecture, it provides developers with the ability to create dynamic web page templates (e.g., pages with an extensive amount of interactive elements on them). That’s one of the major reasons that so many popular web resources are based on React JS. Let’s take a more detailed look at the advantages of employing this prominent library and a list of top 10 websites that use React JS, so you can view specific examples.


The library was created by the Facebook team as a tool to provide high-performance UI solutions. At its core lies an extraordinary page rendering mechanism, which allows all the content to refresh immediately in response to user actions. 
From a technical point of view, the creators' ultimate goal for React JS was to keep code from "attaching" to data flow every time and, instead, to start defining interface depending on its various states. This allows for the creation of independent components (rather than blank code ‘sheets’), which, in turn, significantly facilitates debugging and modernization procedures that involve the previously existing code.  


Here’s are the advantages that a developer gets when using React JS to create websites: 

Performance optimization and facilitation of developer tasks

Instead of the traditional Document Object Model (DOM), which is a kind of tree-shaped data representation, React JS uses a newer concept - Virtual DOM.

The main feature of DOM is its non-adaptive capabilities in the creation of dynamic user interface solutions. This means that web interfaces in this format are low-performing and unable to meet the maximum user wait limit, which is three seconds. Moreover, when it comes to development of the scrolling elements (which are frequently used in social media timelines), you can forget about DOM, at all, if you wish your content to load immediately. 
Because of the mentioned tree shape (in the case of social networks, tress can include thousands of nodes) the browser is required to "redraw' the previous DOM representation in order to update web data. From a practical perspective, this is a resource-intensive procedure that seriously slows down the refreshing process.
Alternatively, Virtual DOM used on sites using React JS employs only a lightweight version of the original DOM. A browser juxtaposes the old DOM representation onto the new one and refreshes only the nodes requiring changes (i.e., the interface is partially refreshed). 
This feature allows the creation of high-performance interfaces that react, immediately, even to the minimum user-provoked changes. It also makes programmers more efficient, requiring them to write less code. 

Repeated use of code

Modular code representation opportunities in sites that use React JS enable developers to use separate modular components with other projects. All the code-base is subdivided into the maximum number of parts, each of which describes a certain function. These parts are then reassembled. Such an approach significantly facilitates code debugging, making identification of errors a highly time-efficient affair.
Similarly, modular components will come in handy during the development of a new software version of an existing product. In such a case, you will not have to go through the whole code in order to update numerous connections - just enable the unchanged connections with rewritten modules. Without a doubt, this is a great advantage React JS has over most web engineering tools specialists have had to use in the past.

Stability of Components

React websites are based on the one-way data binding principle. This provides code composition flexibility and guarantees that any changes being applied to lower-level structures will not affect higher-level elements. 
It should be noted that this is a controversial capability and developers working with React JS have split down the middle over this aspect. Some believe that this feature significantly reduces the time needed to write code (as higher-level elements remain unchanged) whereas others are dissatisfied with the increased risks of complex errors appearing. 
Overall, we would say that it certainly is not a bad thing. It would allow for clean code and result in no excessive code structures, which is a common issue in other web engineering programs such as Angular JS which are based on two-way data binding. These updates are the things for which we at React JS should go the extra mile. 

Constantly Growing Structure

As we have already mentioned, React JS is an open-source structure created by the Facebook team. For developers, this means a) they get to involve third-party tools and libraries (which allows creating the most extraordinary web solutions with React JS), and b) they get to participate in one of the most rapidly growing programming communities in the world. Indeed, React JS is used by over 36 million specialists from all over the world regularly.


Now it is time to take a brief look at the most renowned websites out there that use React. 
  1. Facebook. React JS is a foundation of ‘big and mighty’ Facebook. High-speed rendering provided by the framework allows 2.13 billion users across the globe to conveniently access their newsfeed even with a mediocre Internet connection
  2. Dropbox. Dropbox is a renowned online file hosting service for storing and synchronizing data in the cloud, which grants users access to their files from any place in the world, via any device connected to the web.
  3. Mattermark. Mattermark is another known title among prominent React JS websites. This web service analyzes start-ups and helps to attract potential investors. In particular, it can help you objectively assess how risky your investment in a certain venturing company may be in the long run. 
  4. Tesla. The team of Elon Musk also decided to go for the advanced web engineering technology of React JS as a foundation of the official Tesla Motors resource. 
  5. Atlassian. Atlassian is among the most famous vendor companies on the planet. Previously, it has provided such monumental solutions as JIRA, Bitbucket, Stash, etc. This website, as you have already guessed, is also based on React JS.
  6. Airbnb. Airbnb is another successful example of a React JS website. This service marketplace brings landlords and potential tenants together in one place. It offers a decent, cheaper alternative to booking resources by collecting hotel, hostel, and other temporary accommodation offers. 
  7. Netflix. Netflix is one of the most popular providers of media content on the modern entertainment market, offering TV shows, movies, etc. Everything is readily available to stream in high definition right inside a beautiful, rapid interface. Netflix was thought-out in specific detail. Everything from artificial intelligence-based searches to full compatibility with various media devices is worked out at the top level. 
  8. Reddit. Reddit is a global online platform for free user interaction where you can engage in discussions on various topics. Basically, it is a type of forum that has gathered 330 million users on its pages. 
  9. BBC. BBC is one of the oldest media companies in the world. People tend to trust BBC news globally, which means that corporate owners simply can not disappoint fans with low-quality web service. This is the main reason React was chosen as a base for the BBC online resource. 
  10. CloudFlare. Last but not least on our list of top resources and companies that use React is CloudFlare, a web project providing site security and performance optimization. It is no wonder that React JS was chosen for this resource as well.


Some of the most popular websites in the world use the React JS library. That, alone, should be sufficient reason to choose this tool in your own web-building efforts. Keep in mind, however, that its use requires a sufficient level of professional competency. 
Cloud Tower Technologies is ready to build your React JS-based project of any complexity, for any purpose, with the most flexible conditions.


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