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Angular or React: Which One to Choose for your Project?

If you are into website Development and coding, then you must have heard the two names: Angular and React. Out of a large Front-end Development JS Library in the market, Angular Js and React Js, are the only two who have managed to make Top place in the list of  7 Trending JavaScript Frameworks for 2018. This article is focused on a comparison of these two remarkable Front-end Development tools, which would help you choose the best one according to the needs of your business.
In this article, we have covered all the points that help you determine what separates from Angular and React from each other. Angular JS and React JS come from a lineage of two solid competitors-Facebook and Google.
Let’s see where Facebook’s React Native gets brownie points and where Google focus their energy on Angular Js.
But, before that let’s have a look at the highlights of React and Angular.

  1. React Highlights:
    Release Date2013
    Date BindingOne-Way
    Supported LanguagesJavaScript
    RenderingClient/Server Based
    Learning CurveLow

  1. Angular Highlights:
    Release Date2010
    Date BindingTwo-Way
    Supported LanguagesJavaScript
    RenderingClient/Server Based
    Learning CurveSteep

Let’s now dive into the details of Angular and React comparison

  • Packaging:
In the language of coding, packaging is the capability to run and then deploy code the way you want it. Often developers aim at loading minimum in order to achieve the faster load time and then work on the basis of demand. This also enables developers to develop remarkable features without degrading the loading time.
Angular JS offer restricted ability to run and deploy a code and when you still go ahead with the process, it ends up turning into assembly code, hence making Angular rigid.
While on the other hand, React enable developers to work with solutions such as webpack and also permits them to use the require JS for loading the piece of code.
So, when it comes to packaging, clearly React is the winner.
  • Licenses:
Libraries and frameworks are divided under different licenses. Some of the frameworks are flexible and allow you to make changes according to the requirements. They are known as open source products. In contrast to this, some would not permit you to modify the content or create commercial apps.
When it comes to licenses, both Angular and React JS are open source product and offer no restriction when it comes to commercial usage. React JS uses 3-clause BSD while Angular is licensed under MIT, which means you can’t use the right holders name for advertising purposes.
So, here it is tie, both Angular and React JS are offering some opportunities when it comes to licenses.
  • Model Complexity:
It means how you structure your data model, which is later on represented by view. Angular is integrated with copy and compare option, which restrict you from using large models. Thus, it is considered when it comes to model complexity.
React, on the other hand, do not put any performance penalty and let the developers choose.
Hence, here React JS is a bit ahead of Angular. Although, both are equally well in model complexity from their respective prospective.
  • Performance:
The performance in Angular is often influenced by two-way data binding when it comes to massive applications.  In contrast to this, React JS have a virtual DOM that allows developers to create light DOM tree saving it on the server, thereby reducing the load on the browser.
So, when it comes to performance, React JS is a clear winner.
  • Coding Language:
JavaScript or HTML, it is hard to decide. Angular uses enhanced HTML where React utilizes JavaScript. It is important to keep in mind here that both the frameworks are component-based.
If we talk about JavaScript, then it is neither a string nor HTML. However, there are benefits of using JavaScript as it is more powerful than HTML and well-maintained language for front-end development.
In a nutshell, if you are comfortable with JavaScript then React is go-to framework.
  • Reuse of Code:
Angular comes with a number of ready to use elements, even though it is not very insignificant to make use of Angular Framework coming in from specific provider because of the namespaces and priority collisions. React, in opposite to this, let you manage the code the way you want.
However, since Angular comes with more ready to employ points, it becomes the winner when it comes to reusability of code.
  • Learning Curve:
Angular comes with a very complex lifecycle and in order to master it, you would be required read code, deal with un-intuitive link and compile.
React, on the other side, is easy to learn, although it takes time for developers to get use to one-way flow. In addition to this, the library has very lifecycle methods and you hardly ever have to read the code in React.
Technology TypeJavascript LibraryFull-fledged MVC framework written in JavaScript
Date BindingBrings HTML into JavaScriptBrings JavaScript into HTML
DependenciesRequires additional to manage dependenciesManages dependencies automatically
Last VersionReact15Angular JS 1.6.0 RC2
Suits BestBest for SPAs that update many viewsBest for SPAs that update single view at a time.
Thus, when it comes to learning curve, clearly React is a winner.
Before summing up, here is a table of comparison showcasing the difference between two widely popular frameworks-Angular and React.
So, the choice of suitable technology is a thoughtful process. The decision should be taken considering project’s objectives and resources.
For such updates, stay tuned!


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